We make your space work for you. 

Don’t Let Clutter Get in the Way of Your Joy.


Decluttered Space is here to inspire, motivate and help you with all of your organizing needs.


We specialize in creating effective storage solutions for your home or office.



We are passionate about what we do because we find joy in order, simplicity, and organization.

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Life’s too Short for Clutter.

Seriously. There aren’t enough hours in the day as it is. I’m not going to waste any precious time looking around for whatever it is I need at the moment. As a mom with three kids under the age of seven, that could be anything under the sun. After my first child, I started creating storage and organizational systems to make my life easier and it turned into a slight obsession. That’s because it changed my life! After organizing my entire home, I decided I didn’t want to stop there, so I started Decluttered Space. My mission is to inspire your own organizational awakening by providing support and services to implement effective storage solutions for your space. 

-Kelly Emerson

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Work with meDon’t Let Clutter Get in the Way of Your Joy!

So much stuff, so little time to make space for it all. Sound like you? Don’t stress. We can help you declutter any space.

We have simple solutions for your crowded closets, messy playrooms, and more!

If you have clutter in any of these areas, let us design and implement an organization system that makes your space work for you. Say goodbye to disorder and hello to everything at your fingertips.


✓Kitchen & Pantry

✓Bedroom & Closets

✓Bathroom & Vanity 

✓Basement, Cellar & Attic

✓Garage & Shed

✓Office or Business

✓Storage Closets

✓And more!


 Your Space, Your WayNo space is the same, but they always have potential. 

The benefits of having an organized space are endless. I am here to help you hit the refresh button and organize your space to take the stress out of simple daily tasks.

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